Wednesday, September 8, 2010

everything will be alright ~ ♥

Sleepless night..
feel like wanna write something.. but dunno what to write..

my life? simple.. but i feel that all the things are changing incrementally..
changes on myself as well as the people around me..
sometimes may not even realize those changes.. but when the time i realized i will quite shock or may be suprise about it..
i duno whether these changes are positive or negative..

as for myself.. my perception regarding something has change..
some principles..where i think i will never change it throughout my life..
i put down the principle that i uphold for a long time.. compromise with the situation that i face..
It's not bad actually..
dun b stubborn.. dun make life difficult.. make it simple.. u will finally found that.. u r the person that can ultimately make yourself happy.. not mainly because of other people or things.. it's just based on how u think.. in simple, think positively~ ♥

since small.. i have a lot of -ve thinking in my mind..
i like to think a lot.. a lot means really a lot.. this make me cant really make decision on a simple things..
i have a low low confident.. even now also same..
rarely to speak up in front of people.. rarely show what i want.. until i not realize that i actually have the right to show it when someone told me that.. as i already get used of it..

i wonder can i really survive in the real world when the time i finish my study and looking for a job.. >.<
may be can lo~ hehe think +vely ma.. =P
as i said.. everything will be alright~ ♥
it's just the matter of time..


Unknown said...

Its good things that U change to BETTER. Confident? Hmm I guess u nid to find a source of power. I was a kid like a nerd who have no confident last time. Bcz of one word, LOVE, make me a different person today :) Anyway, source of power can be family, friends, something that happened on you or even something that happened around you and give u a big impact. Yeap, Me too here. Big changes here too.. And its very the rapidly.. and stressed.. Hopefully I can pass thru this period too ^^"

BTW, Nice Vocab u have wor! Never expect such vocab from u but, stil have grammar error :P :P (purposely step u de) haha take care la!

~ 枫之谷~ said...

confident arh.. >.<
i really no idea how to make myself more confident..
u can de kent jiang~
changes can make ppl grow up..

shh~ dun bocor me lah~ T.T