Friday, March 13, 2009


finally~ we had done and submit all our assignment..
we were exceed our limit.. coz we never have a good nite sleep in this week..
each day sleep about few hours just bcoz of the assignment..
especially our makcik ling.. need not sleep at all @@

in these few days.. i spend most of my time at my fren's hse..
1st time feel that.. sofa can be a comfortable place to sleep.. haha..
3 of us sleep at the sofa.. even the alarm also cant wake us up.. luckly our hiao president yp suddenly awake and wake us up...

stressful.. moody... angry.. @#%$..
all those emotion... appeared when we are doing our assignment..
but.. there are also some funny and hiao things happpened between us.. haha..
since our hiao president fanny and hiao vice president yp thr.. we do talk alot of nonsense to lauf and relief our stress..

we all look like a vampire coz we jz sleep for few hours each day..
panda eyes are shown up @@
almost fall asleep in the class.. skip for classes.....
someone said that it is not deserve to skip a class just bcoz of the assignment.. but finnaly she didnt attend the class while others did... =.= haha kinda funny.. our hiao vice president...

these few days.. kinda tired.. all of us..
i duno whether i did help alot in the assignment onot..
i jz noe... as a group member.. when my members need me.. i still will fighting the assignment with them even i am contributed lesser or none on that part.. at least.. thy noe my heart is with them :p haha.. overcome all the problems together..

is time for me to rest? or it is jz a beggining?
gonna prepare for my study that i have left out.. haizxx..
hope i can make it...



-- said...

Its the end! hoho