Friday, May 22, 2009

~+ memorable trip +~

sem break again~
b4 final our hiao gang alr planned to go mak cik ling's hometown play.. PeRlis..
but i got a sick during my last subject.. T.T
i nt even dare to tell my dad that i wanna go travell after my exam..

last day of exam~ audit practice..
at 1st i tot i cant go perlis with my hiao gang.. wuwu~
but mak cik ling took up my hp and called my dad..
lolz.. finnally~~~~ sure success lah~ i immediately went bek home and pick up my things..
prepared go to perlis luh~
err.. sorry arh sifat guai.. have to ffg le >.<

we took 11pm++ bus..
i woke up few times in the bus.. the last time that i woke up is alr 6am something..
suppose reach perlis station jor de wor.. but y.. we still sleep here.. i told myself..
thn i heard a people ask us turun..
but the blur and jz woke up de mak cik ling told the people here not our destination..
then the people respond again.. ini last station lah~
what??!!!! my hiao gang all suddenly awake~ hahaha
tidur tidur~ angkap ini hotel arh~ i remember the people said this.. funny lo.. we keep lauf..

luckly we met mak cik ling's fren here.. cheng long? he fecth us bek suling's hse..
after that we had a breakfast with mak cik ling fren as to thank him for fetch us bek..

after that.. mak cik ling said wanna take us go the borderline between thailand and perlis to take a look.. we went to the shop of duty free.. but we buy ntg thr..
yiek yiek~ my hiao gang suggest that we can try to go into thailand WITHOUT PASSPORT!!!
gerk gerk gerk~ we moved in with our nervous.. excited.. heart and finally we reach the custom..
the officer suppose to check our passport but thy didnt~ we jz passed through our car like that~
hahaha~ we all lauf and began our thailad trip~ we went to temple of thailand and took some picture and after that we went to a shopping mall..
i forgot what the name of the shopping mall..
i love the tomyam~ diffrent here..
and the milk ice blended.. y M'sia dun have the branches T.T miss the milk blended..
we also bought few boxes of tomyam instant noodles.. yiam yiam~~
it's time to bek to perlis fetch lok lok~ he came from ipoh to join us..
b4 bek mak cik ling recommended us to eat.. err.. i forgot the name again..
is a kind of pulut and a fried chicken.. and have to use our hand to eat.. quite delicious.. sastified~!
finally we jz realized that we can be fined RM10000 or go into jail without passport.. lolx.. NVM~~ is alr passed~ and a good experience =P

on the way bek thailand.. we saw a unique mountain and decided to take some pictures here..
therefore we stop thr for a few minutes.. the move down from car and saw a cow opposite the road.. the cow keep MooO~ us like warning us dun play play thr...
the place full of grass and sawah padi..
we chose a nice place to take our photo.. me and makcik ling standby thr while weijian helping emay to cross the drain..
suddenly.. i heard some voice.. and felt some movement of the grass jz behind me.. i turn bek my head and see.. OMG.. is a cow~ the cow is coming toward us.. i scream~
mak cik ling more panic than me.. she hold my hand and keep run.. argh~~ we keep scream..
very scare arh~ i forgot how we cross the drain alr.. haha.. jz run nia..
we stop at the place that have a distance with the cow.. weijian and emay alr escape from that place.. faster than us.. but heard them said emay fall down wor.. @@
the yenping more blur.. asked us to stop thr bcoz she was holding the camera.. she duno what is really happening that time =.=

mak cik~ i noe how a cow looks like jor.. and i think u should noe ostrich is called 'tuo niao' not 'luo tuo'~ lolx XD

we fetch lok lok and have a seafood dinner..

2nd day we went to langkawi.. we rent a car went to the seaside of langkawi..
mak cik ling.. yenping and me didnt bring extra clothes but we still play water in the beach..
after play water we felt thirsty and wanna get some drinking..
we saw a stall that sell coconut and we dicided to drink that..
yenping move towards to the coconut stall.. and talk to the people : " 3 air kepala~! "
lolx~ all people lauf till stomachache

b4 we leave.. we bought some chocolate and alcohol..

we spent our 3rd and 4th days n penang..we have our brunch at 'tao'.. is a buffet..
we eat alot till the waiter asked us ' u sure u all can finish?'
haha.. they really ordered alot.. and finaly we duno what we are actually eating.. too full alr.. keep eat and hav to finish in time..
the waiter called us naughty when the time he ned to bek.. haha.. we really notti and crazy~

we went to penang hill and 极乐峙..

penang has alot of food to eat.. such as asam laksa.. char koew teow..
we also play water at the beach.. and ride banana boat.. this is the 1st time ride banana boat actually.. hehe.. we were enjoy..
at 1st we planned to sleep at the seaside but we cant get a place to bath and change our clothes and finnaly we found a motel.. but the toilet is transparent.. @@
mak cik~~ haha i saw u... lolx... =P

we walk around the street and took some picture at '"the ship"
mak cik said wanna have a wedding here~ haha..

aft that we bek to the motel and open the liquor which we bought from penang..
mak cik ling 2nd cup alr mabuk.. haha..
drink drink drink~ after 6 or 7 cup.. this time i realy mabuk le~ blur @@
i cant even walk straight ..
the talkative yenping become vry quiet when mabuk.. haha..
lok lok became sot sot dei.. emay~ haha.. talked some 18xx topic.. lolz
and i vomit and stay in the toilet vry long.. lame~ thx for wj take k me arh.. hehe

nex day we have our brunch at auto city.. at the toilet bowl restaurant..

after that we moved and bek perlis..
we 6 people ride 3 motorcycle and went to a sawah padi to take some picture..
we also have tok a MV thr ~ dao xiang~ lolx.. XD

we have our dinner at mak cik ling's hse.. her mum prepared a lot of food for us.. vry delicious arh.. thx ya~ i wan the sambal~ haha

after that we packed up our things and prepared to go bek our hometown luh~
we all were vry tired and sleep at the bus..
once again~ we missed our station =.=
i got wake up too and wake yenping up to asked her izit our station pudu alr passed..
but she told me not ~ =.=
and finaly we came to kajang terminal~ huhu~
we took bus and bek to sg long.. lolx

this trip realy got a lot funny and memorable things..
i will never regret follow my hiao geng to this trip~
homa~~ y u dun come ~ bad bad~~