Wednesday, August 25, 2010


why u just cant understand my situation?

why u just shout everything out from your mouth without considering my feelings?

do u think all the thing is within my control?
do u think i want it to be like that?

all these years.. i am reluctant to open my mouth..
do u think i am happy?
u just talk talk talk shout shout shout without analyzing the things that i have told u..
so? what i gonna do?
i better shut my mouth.. explaining just to make the situation worst..

my conscience try to persuade myself and talk with you and improve the relationship between us..
but u always make me frustrated make me down..
make me feel wanna cry.. u misunderstood me..
u shout again without knowing my situation..
at the end.. all the things back to square one..
i really feel lazy to explain and i don't think communicate can make the situation going smoothly..

22 years down to the road.. people wondering why i didn't talk with u.. weird~
and i think.. this is the reason why......

Friday, August 6, 2010


在某处。。 得知你的消息。。 知道你过得很好。。


当初的选择。。 不会再有遗憾了。。

我们都要幸福~ =>