Friday, January 1, 2010

2o10 ~

happy new year~ ^^

although tis year i cant cele with all my hometown frens like last year i did..
but.. this time i can cele with my classmate+hsemates+jimui makcikling and yp... and sure the fats fats guai junjunkai & my two biaomeiS cartoon ling and qiumeimei.. and also the zu ba jie.. haha..

we celebrate at 1u as there have a 2010 countdown concert..
but when the time we reached thr already 1130 le.. crowded thr & hot .. wuwu..
sweat alot.. makcik ling and yp alr run into the crowded & move forward to the stage le.. geng~!
i didnt follow them coz i dislike sweating..
fats fats guai biaomeis zu ba jie and me just stay bside..

12.00am~!!! happy new year...
it was awesome... its seem like the fireworks can take the problems away from people by giving new hope and luck.. nice ~

we took some photo b4 we leaving 1u..

2010~ ugly me >.<

after count down we yumcha at station 1 and went to genting le..the 1st place we go in was casino.. 21st year olds can go in casino already.. and this was the 1st time i go into casino.. at 1st we just looked at people and c them how to play.. afterthat.. makcik ling wanna try coz this is the 1st time we came in.. she put RM5 at the 1st but unfortunately.. lose le.. haha.. but she wanna try again.. thn she put 5 again... she hold my hand very tight.. i can feel tat she is very excited+ a bit scare.. she also got touched touched my lucky lucky bear bear coz i believe this bear always bring luck to me.. haha.. guess what.. she wons...

then i got met with mr kid at the casino.. we chat a while at thr.. his eyes seem like two days didnt sleep.. looks like panda already.. haha take care arh~ Mr kid~ later cant c ur eyes XD

and when the time i came bek to suling.. she already moved to another table.. continue playing the blackjack.. haha.. mali mali hom~ the luck was coming to her.. she was so so so happy and 'fly' at the casino untill all people looked at her.. haha funny lo.. =P i also feels happy when saw her like tat.. haha she treat me eat breakfast after reach sg long.. thxs lah ~ but dun always go thr orh~ later become "lan dou yi" haha XD

this new year.. hmm~ not bad.. happy and excited~ haha.. now looking forward for chinese new year.. fats fats guai~ chinese new year arh~ dun forget our last year 'yue ding' arh -->valentine.. lolx...

happy new year ^^